The Very Best of James Galway
The Very Best of James Galway These recordings are pure pleasure to listen to. They contain well known selections, well executed, that deliver a very nice listening experience. I enjoy Galway's style; these two CDs offer very good value.
Customer Review: Purchase Review - CD
Promt arrival of product. Posted internationally and arrived earlier than advised. Product in excellent condition for an international purchase. Very happy with purchase!
Disney Pricess: My Side of the Story #2: Snow White/The Queen (Disney Princess: My Side of the Story)
Customer Review: A witty and welcome surprise!
I picked this book up for my 8 month old the other day. As a "Bookie Monster" (i.e. "One who passionately devours anything with a cover and pages!") and children's writer, I tend to be choosy over the books I purchase for my daughter; I will spend hours in bookstores previewing potential books and picking them apart: "How on earth does drivel like this get the greenlighted by an editor? I've found four words spelled wrong on the first three pages!" I can't begin to tell you what a surprise this book was. It is beautifully illustrated and written in a no-nonsense, non-dumbed down conversational style. Any adult with a hearty sense of humor will be able to appreciate this work. I laughed out loud more than once as I read through the first page; the classic view of the Queen we grew up with is shattered as she tells her story: She doesn't want your pity; as a single mother, The Queen has had little support in raising Snow White, but has done her best. A interesting gem from the Queen points out how regular mothers are allowed to fly off of the handle now and then, and folks don't give it a second thought. Stepmothers, however, are not afforded that luxury and branded as evil when they do likewise. That's deep thinking for a children's book, but then again, I am a firm believer in not watering things down for children. They are smarter than most adults would care to admit. Any book that provokes deeper thought in a child's mind gets a huge golf clap from me. In conclusion, this is a fresh work and a new way of seeing the flip side of the bad guys. If you are weary of tedious tales and the fruitless garbage that clutters the bookshelves of the children's section these days, I highly recommend you pick this one up. I do not have any of the other titles in this series as of yet, but that will change!
Customer Review: What a fun idea!!
My 8 year old daughter and I loved this book! We laughed and had a special time reading it to eachother. It was fun to see Snow White a bit more modern and the last picture in her story is a hoot!
A Bug's Life (Cuento Clasico De Disney En Espanol) (Spanish Edition)
Flik sets out to save the ant colony and all his friends from the greedy grasshoppers who take their entire food supply. Experience "A Bug's Life" again and again with this gorgeously illustrated hardcover storybook.
Customer Review: efiL s'guB A
Hello, this book is very realistic compaired to the movie. I am a big fan of The Simpsons, but I still love A Bug's Life. This book does have 96 pages, perdectly following the main story. The illistrations are beautiful, and almost as good as movie. OF COURSE we can't copy every single quote from the orig- inal movie, but this book IS A MUST FOR LOVERS OF A BUG'S LIFE!!!...
Customer Review: It's a buggy world!
My 2 year old son loves this book! He was in a phase where he wanted to watch the movie over and over and over and over again. In an effort to get him off the TV, but still into the story, I ordered the book off of He loved it so much we have purchased more of the Disney story books. They're great!
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