Disney Sing Along Songs: Hunchback / Topsy Turvy
One of my favorite all-time Disney animated features is THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME. This is a very worthy Sing Along Songs video to compliment it. Songs included are: Topsy Turvy (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame) You've Got A Friend In Me (Toy Story) Stand By Me from Timon and Pumbaa (not in the UK video version) Streets Of Gold The Dwarfs' Yodel Song from Snow White (not in the UK video version) Out There (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame) Family from James & The Giant Peach (not in the UK video version) The Unbirthday Song (not in the UK video version) "Out There" from Hunchback is the highlight.
Customer Review: topsy turvy sing along
Enough can not be said about these wonderful videos! Not only do we own EVERY Disney Sing Along cartoon video, we own the Holiday ones and the Character ones as well (Campout etc..). Nothing entertains my 5 yo. and 1 1/2 yo. like these tapes do. The music is good for them, the word recognition is good for them, they are familiar with many characters now (which makes going to the park WAY MORE FUN! - they dont have to have watched every movie to know most characters). Great for little ones with short attention spans since it changes characters with each song and the music keeps them hopping! I feel no guilt at all letting them watch alone while I cook or unload the dishwasher as I gaze over at my two happy, singing, dancing girls! Best baby sitter in the UNIVERSE! I also think it will help them when they are older and start to read - They have been a staple to our VHS collection since my eldest was a toddler! WELL WORTH THE MONEY!
Walt Disney and the Quest for Community (Design & the Built Environment)
This beautifully written, instantly engrossing volume focuses on the original concept of EPCOT, which was conceived by Disney as an experimental community of about 20,000 people on the Disney World property in central Florida. With its radial plan, 50-acre town center enclosed by a dome, themed international shopping area, greenbelt, high-density apartments, satellite communities, monorail and underground roads, the original EPCOT plan is reminiscent of post-war Stockholm and the British New Towns, as well as today's transit-oriented development theory.
Unfortunately, Disney himself did not live long enough to witness the realization of his "model city." However, EPCOT's evolution into projects such as the EPCOT Center and the town of Celebration displays a remarkable commitment by the Disney organization to the original EPCOT philosophy, one which continues to have relevance in the fields of planning and development.
Customer Review: Strictly for Disneyphiles and students of urban planning
Interesting discussion of Walt Disney's plans for the original Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, or EPCOT. Disney died before this project could break ground, making its academic exploration very, well, academic. Mannheim doesn't try to make much of an argument until the final chapter in which he says, correctly, in my view, that the Epcot Center theme park and nearby-but-unaffiliated New Urbanist community of Celebration effectively addressed the main points of Disney's plan while avoiding the probable pitfalls associated with simultaneously maintaining perfect order and individual liberty -- Walt's paramount goals. Very thoroughly researched and filled with nuggets sure to be of interest to serious Disneyphiles and students of urban planning.
Customer Review: A Serious and Enjoyable Work on Walt's Vision of Epcot
Steve Mannheim has written a wonderful academic treatise on Walt Disney and Walt's dream for Epcot. The focus of the book is the Epcot City, the development of the ideas and their ultimate fruition. Although the title is treated as an academic work, it can almost be considered a page-turner. Steve has done an impressive job of distilling New Urbanism concepts into a readable and understandable read (for us laymen). The genesis for the book was when a friend of Mr. Mannheim had described Walt's plan for another project after Disneyland about a city of tomorrow--where Epcot Center is today. This was the mid-1980's and there was not a lot of published information at the time. So, Mr. Mannheim began his research. Steven Mannheim holds a doctorate in planning and development. His current professional practices include real estate economics and development. As I stated in my review of Realityland, there is not a lot published on the history of Walt Disney World. This titles adds greatly to the literature and provides a solid focus on Epcot the City, its history, development and changes. The work starts with a look at Walt and the germination of the idea. There is a lot of focus on where Walt was, mentally and sociologically, as he began planning the Florida Project (also known as Project X). Mr. Mannheim deftly takes us through the history and theories that Walt was discovering about New Cities, Garden Cities and urban development. With the success of Disneyland, Walt felt vindicated that he could cure the ails of modern society. The biggest issue? Control. With Disneyland, Walt was able to push through the City Council to meet a lot of the building demands of Disneyland. With the Florida Project, he knew he needed more control. The book outlines what Walt, Roy and the leaders of the Disney Company were able to secure and create after Walt's passing. Mr. Mannheim spent a lot of time interviewing key members of the Company, the State of Florida, local government and Disney cast members. He provides a detailed look at how Disney (the company) figured out what to do after building Phase I of Walt Disney World. In looking at any historically-based research title, you have to consider the sources cited. Mr. Mannheim devotes 140 pages to the text and the remaining 59 to research notes and the bibliography. To a librarian and Disney Geek, this connotes a vast level of research on Mr. Mannheim's part. My only issue with the sources cited, is that a lot of the citations are from interviews conducted by the author. As of this review, the interviews have not been published. Talk about a dream publication! Mr. Mannheim, if you are out there, I would love to read the interviews that you have conducted. Bottom Line: I really enjoyed this title. The book is presented as an academic work but it is still an enthralling read and you can't put it down. Mr. Mannheim easily presents mundane concepts about planning and design and correlates them into the foundations of Disneyland and what we can surmise about Epcot the City. I would love to read the transcripts for all of the interviews that were conducted--there must be a vast goldmine of Walt Disney World-related history on those interviews. After reading this title, you will gain a vast appreciation for Walt's original ideas and the presentation of Walt Disney World as we know it. This title is geared more towards the serious Walt fanatic and the Epcot junkie. But if you like city planning, the origins of Epcot or theories about what could have happened--you will enjoy this book. [...]
Radio Disney Jingle Jams Customer Review: New Songs Should Of Been On A 2nd Volume
I've seen this happen with the Hilary Duff Santa Claus Lane CD. They release a 2nd CD or special edition later after the first release so you can buy the CD at the same price with 2-3 new songs on it. But with Radio Disney Jingle Jams, they replace some songs with new ones, making you buy both the 2004 (First Edition) & 2005 (Second Edition) Jingle Jams CD's so you have the old songs, (From 2004) the new songs, (From 2005) and the same 13 original songs. (From 2004 & 2005)
Customer Review: Interesting..
I did enjoy this album for what it was. Everyone has pointed out the best Aly&AJ, Jesse, Raven, and Everlife.. But, I keep reading that 'Toy Town' by Christy is the weakest. I slightly agree, only because, It is not dance-pop or pop/rock like the other tracks and gets lost, and the voice is SLIGHTLY whiney. [hoever] Christy's version of 'Toy Town' reminds me ALOT of an updated version of Brenda Lee. Basicly meaning it's current pop meets classic pop. Which isn't a bad thing but, simply doesn't fit this album. Overall a nice little Disney Channel album.
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