Ducktales The Movie: Treasure Of The Lost Lamp (Disney Movietoons Presents)
Customer Review: DuckTales The Movie: Treasure of the Lost Chance
When I saw this movie as a kid, it was without a doubt my favorite. However, after seeing the movie many years later, I've come to realize why critics refered to this as an "Indiana Jones rip-off". The film satisfies viewers with its amazing opening as Scrooge and gang travel in the middle of a desert to find the lost treasure of Coli Baba. Then after that, the rest of the film takes place in Duckburg. See where I'm going. This movie could've been so much more, but yet it lost its chance to not only gain a posisitve reputation among fans and critics, but also spawn a sequel or two (there were plans for several DuckTales movies following this one). Overall, its an entertaining movie for younger kids with the exception of some fans, but it falls short of capturing the true spirit of the DuckTales series. Either rent it or buy it for a low price.
Customer Review: A Review Of The Review
This isn't a review of the movie, but rather of the initial product description provided by Amazon. They imply that this movie somehow lifted elements from Aladin's formula. The opposite is in fact true. This movie was out long before Aladin and is far superior in my mind. I'd take DuckTales the Movie over most of the big budget features that Disney has produced in the last ten or twenty years. It's worth a look. More than that, it's worth owning. Do yourself a favor and check this beauty out. I promise it will not disappoint.
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