Bambi (Fully Restored 55th Anniversary Limited Edition) (Walt Disney's Masterpiece)
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Customer Review: Bambi is not a deer
While this is one of my all time favorite films it is totally an allegory. If you don't explain to your kids that nearly everything about this move is totally out of context with nature you are doing them a great disservice. It is an awesomely made movie and a great story but it is make-believe. It has nothing to do with the way nature is. I'm sure the animal rights people love this film because it can be used to twist around people's ideas of deer and give them a totally false view of their habits. A mature buck never interacts with his male offspring, (except when male are hanging together in bachelor groups), unless it is to run him off so he can have his way with it's mother the following season, but usually mom runs him off before this! Yes, I am a hunter and have been for years and I've studied and observed deer behavior for years. I don't feel I have to make a kill every year to be successful but if Bambi's dad comes by my tree he will get an arrow flung at him! Deer are infinitely more interesting in real life than what Hollywood and the anti's would have you believe. This is an awesome movie but it is just a story. When your children get old enough explain to them that they are wild animals and nothing like people. It can be dangerous if you don't, specially for some other species! If you don't want to hunt or are against it, that's fine with me. I respect your right to not hunt. One final closing example: Did you know that whitetail deer are responsible for more human fatalities than any other animal in the US. I could make that look like they are a dangerous animal that attacked humans if I didn't explain myself further. While rutting bucks do attack people every year the statistics are from mostly traffic accidents. I hate being led astray, cartoons are cute but let your kids know they're not real life, they are for entertainment and allegory use occasionally. Their lives could depend on it! lp
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