Tink, North of Never Land: Chapter Book No. 13 (Disney Fairies)
Disney Fairies Collection #5: Tink, North of Never Land; Beck Beyond the Sea: Book 9 & 10 (Disney Fairies)
Tink and Terence are good friends. But sometimes Terence, well . . . he gets on Tink s last nerve. It seems like he s always in the way. So when Terence accidentally squashes Tink s favorite bowl, her anger flares up, and she lets him have it! But Tink soon realizes that she made a mistake. How can she make it up to Terence? With a bunch of Never blooms? Gold pirate doubloons? Or legendary pixie dust? Tink sets off on an epic quest through Never Land to find the perfect gift for her friend. She s never failed before . . . and she s not about to start now!
Beck Beyond the Sea
Beck can't help wondering what lies outside Pixie Hollow. Then Beck meets a flock of Explorer Birds and has her chance. With Vidia's special pixie dust, Beck can fly faster and farther than ever before. She joins the far-flying Explorer Birds, to see what's beyond the sea. But why would selfish Vidia help Beck? Is it possible she just wants Beck to leave Pixie Hollow . . . for good?
Disney Pixar's Toy Story: Read-Along (Disney's Read Along)
Customer Review: Take the night off.
My son, three and a half, loves these audio books. He will say, "I want to read Buzz and Woody" before he goes to bed. This is his way of dismissing me and telling me he'll read himself to sleep. While I love that just-before-bedtime time with my child as much as anybody... this is a welcome change here and there.
Customer Review: Only wish they had more!
My daughter is just beginning to read, and loves that she can "read along" with these books! She feels so independent!! I only wish they had more that are appropriate for ages 4-5.
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