Disney's: Winnie the Pooh: Storybook Collection (Disney Storybook Collections)
Customer Review: Great for the Kids at Night
This is great for bedtime reading, as lots of stories and you can read a few everynight, over and over again.
Customer Review: Scrapbookers will love the scrapbooking story!
Our son (age 2) LOVES this book & asks for it every night! One of the stories is called "Pooh's Scrapbook" which is really fun for scrapbookers. :) Here's an excerpt: "What if we made a Sunny Day Scrapbook?" said Piglet. "A book of scraps?" asked Pooh, who was thinking it sounded a little silly, though he didn't want to say so. "No," said Piglet, "a colorful book, filled with special pictures and words - you know, scraps of memories." "A memory book! What a clever idea," said Pooh.
Quotable Walt Disney
The quotes in this charming volume range from the well known to the obscure. Within the pages of Quotable Walt Disney are anecdotes that not only teach important lessons but also illuminate one of America's greatest creative geniuses. It is the perfect book to uplift, enlighten, and inspire.
Customer Review: For Walt Disney fans
This is a wonderful book. Easy and enjoyable to read. The quotes bring you closer to understanding one of the true geniuses in American entertainment. The quotes are facinating, and humorous, and some are quite profound. This is a great book for any writer, or speaker to draw from, and it is historically educational. If you are a fan of Disney, or just curious about a figure in the world of entertainment who achieved greatness and had a solid philosophy of entertainment, then you will enjoy this book.
Customer Review: Boring and Irritating
Why It's Boring The quotes are rarely profound, unique, or written well enough to be truly "quotable." For example, "I like symphonic music. A good concert if you're kind of relaxed, it can do something to you. It's sort of an emotional break you get by listening to the music" (p. 98). If you believe that this sentiment is worthy of being presented in gift book form, gussied up with big font and given it's own half page, then order the book now! Why It's Irritating In the words of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, "Let me count the ways." Hmm...see how I realize that that expression didn't originate in my own mind? The book did contain some quotes that would be somewhat meaningful, were they not cheap, poorly written imitations of another's work. For example, "I think of a newborn baby's mind as a blank book" (p. 130). This concept was even better when first said by John Locke in the late 1600's. And of course, great thinkers often reprise earlier theories but they don't claim them as their own and dress them up in a gift book. Perhaps as a society we should stop looking to celebrity-types as "great thinkers" (unless they actually are) and appreciate them for their true contributions and talents. Walt Disney is not to blame though for this embarrassment of a book. It's the fault of the editor who compiled the quotes and the greed of the Disney empire trying to make money from another publication with a limited sense of integrity.
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