Disney Babies At The Farm / Los Bebes Disney en la granja (Baby's First Disney Books (Bilingual-Spanish)) (Spanish Edition)
Filled with fun Disney adventures, the bright, colorful board books are simply irresistible to baby. Each one features short, simple sentences that are repeated in both English and Spanish to help make learning easier. Plus, the sturdy pages with rounded corners help keep your little one safe!
Una gran noticia: ahora los libros de los bebes de Disney son bilingues! Es mas facil y mas divertido que nunca que tu bebe aprenda con los adorables bebes de Disney acerca de los colores, las formas, las letras y otros conceptos importantes. Repletos de aventuras divertidas de Disney, estos coloridos libros de carton son irresistibles. Cada uno tiene oraciones simples tanto en ingles como en espanol para que el aprendizaje sea muy facil. Ademas, las paginas de carton y las esquinas redondeadas aseguran que los chicos no se hagan dano!
Customer Review: Disney Fun!
If you have little ones who love disney - this is a must! This whole series is easy to read in English or Spanish and introduces kids to a variety or topics & vocabulary. I love the sturdy board book. Great fun with familiar characters. Reading spanish is FUN!
Disney Princess Tea Party: Bella Personalized for Bella
Hear the Disney Princesses sing and speak to Bella over 60 times throughout this one of a kind CD. It will be an instant hit with Bella that she will listen to over and over. Watch her face light up as she hears her name sung and spoken by the original Disney Princess cast. Bella will join each of the Disney Princesses as they prepare for a Princess Tea Party. Each princess will personally coach Bella through getting dressed and using proper etiquette, and Bella will receive a personal invitation to the castle to join all the Disney Princesses at their Princess Tea Party!
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