Disney Mania
Customer Review: Some changes are needed!
First of all, I really can't express how terrible #1 is. Why did they pick her to sing it? It's painful to listen to...WHY? "Reflection" is one of the best songs, I love Christina and it's her best ballad besides "Voice Within" on Stripped. "Part of Your World" - also a favorite. I didn't even know Jessica had ever done my very favorite Disney song from my very favorite Disney movie! "Just can't wait to be king" - very cute, reminds you of little simba. NOW some changes are needed. I'll just mention the really bad. Smash Mouth. Don't like them, never will. hilary duff is a TERRIBLE singer! Couldn't they have used someone, ANYone else (wait...no Anastacia already ruined the first song). Why not bring in Christina Millian for another princess song("just around the riverbend" maybe??) Backstreet should have been used instead of NSYNC (yuck). Ashanti has a beautiful voice but it really din't do much in her "Colors of the Wind" It sounded very much without energy. Which brings me to the conclusion: Brooke Allison did such a great job with Cinderella II that she should have done the first song, but no, they let Anastacia butcher it.
Customer Review: Disney Mania
This cd is sooo cool i love all the disney movies and now all my favorite artist sing all my favorite songs! i soo recomend it to all the disney fanatics like me! its the best!!!
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