Oh, Bother! Someone's Messy (Disney's Winnie the Pooh Helping Hands Book)
This is one of the appealing titles in a special Pooh series that addresses -- and resolves -- simple childhood problems. This time the problem is Roo's messy room. Roo thinks cleaning things up is just too much trouble. But one day his mud pies get too messy, and no one will come over to play. Roo is about to change his ways -- thanks to the help of a few loving friends.
Customer Review: A Messy Book!
Have you ever had a messy room? I sure have! And in this book Roo gets very messy! He tries to have friends over, but they couldn't find anything to play in the mess. And they can't play outside because it's raining. They go over to Piglet's house instead. And Piglet gives Roo a good idea. Will Roo ever get cleaner? Get this book and find out!
Disney Bunnies: Thumper Makes a Splash
Customer Review: This is a BATH BOOK!
When looking at the product, it says "paperback" and doesn't clearly state the biggest selling point for this entry into the Disney Bunnies Preschool Book Series... It's a BATH BOOK! Gorgeously illustrated and a cute story and its waterproof too. My daughter loves the bunny books and was thrilled to have one to take in the tub with her. A great buy and nice find...
Disney Princess Tea Party: Carolina (care-o-LINE-ah)
Hear the Disney Princesses sing and speak to Carolina over 60 times throughout this one of a kind CD. It will be an instant hit with Carolina that she will listen to over and over. Watch her face light up as she hears her name sung and spoken by the original Disney Princess cast. Carolina will join each of the Disney Princesses as they prepare for a Princess Tea Party. Each princess will personally coach Carolina through getting dressed and using proper etiquette, and Carolina will receive a personal invitation to the castle to join all the Disney Princesses at their Princess Tea Party!
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